Whether your organization runs a music festival, a film set, or an office, you have a responsibility to run a safe space, free from oppression and racism.
Do you understand consent culture?
Do you know what it means to be “anti-racist”?
In this session, participants will explore and define what anti-oppressive safer spaces are, while learning about examples and promising practices that can be relevant in many real life settings.
Facilitated by Red Tent
Red Tent is an organization that provides education and creates awareness about anti-oppression, safer spaces, and consent culture, while doing so through a trauma-informed and anti-racist lens. They provide consultation and training for organizations and partner with festivals, venues and events to create anti-oppressive safer spaces.
Red Tent has a wealth of experience and knowledge in anti-oppression and anti-racism work, gender based violence prevention, mental health education and support, sexuality, sexual health, as well as trauma informed, decolonizing and harm reduction based education and programming.
All deadlines close at 4:00 PM SK time. If a deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend, applications will be accepted until 4:00 PM the following business day.