Film & TV Development Grant - Slate Stream - Assessment Criteria
The Film and Television Development Grant assists qualified Saskatchewan production companies with undertaking the development of eligible projects and bringing productions to fruition. Applications are assessed internally according to this scoring rubric.
The Assessment Criteria was approved on April 1, 2024 for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year. Any amendments made after the fact will be posted here:
No changes to date.
Applications are assessed internally according to this scoring rubric.
1. Producer’s Track Record
The majority of the proposed development slate are projects in a genre and format the applicant producer or co-producer has experience delivering.
Potential points: 2 points
Producer’s track record of moving productions from development (funded by Creative Saskatchewan) into production.
Potential points:
One project moved from development funding to production = 1 point
Two or more projects moved from development funding to production = 2 points
This criterion is not applicable if applicant has not previously accessed Creative Saskatchewan development funding.
Total potential points: 4
2. Production Volumes
Producer’s contribution to production volumes. The calculation is based on the spend of Film or TV Production grants from 2021/22 and 2022/23 fiscal year.
No contributions = 0 points
$100,000 to $599,999= 1 point
$600,000 to $1,199,999 = 2 points
$1,200,000 or more = 3 points
Total potential points: 3
3. The commercial viability of the proposed project and its demonstrated market potential
The level of confirmed development financing from third-party market-relevant sources:
5% to 10% = 1 point
11% to 24% = 2 points
25% or more = 3 points
Total potential points: 3
4. Saskatchewan Writers
Opportunities are being made available to Saskatchewan Writers.
One project with a Saskatchewan writer = 1 point
Two or more projects each with a Saskatchewan writer = 2 points
All projects included in the slate are considered in this calculation. Where there are two or more Saskatchewan writers on a single project, it is eligible for 1 point.
Total potential points: 2
5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Parity
Opportunities are being made available to Saskatchewan writers and producers who are under-represented in the creative sector.
One project with a Saskatchewan writer or producer from an equity-seeking group = 1 point
Two or more projects each with a Saskatchewan writer or producer from an equity-seeking group = 2 points
All projects included in the slate are considered in this calculation. Where there are two or more under-represented Saskatchewan writers on a single project, it is eligible for 1 point.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Declaration Forms must be submitted in your application to receive points.
Total potential points: 2
Total potential points /14
Applications must score a minimum of 7 points to be recommended for funding.
Funding allocations based on awarded points:
7- 10 points: Maximum Creative Saskatchewan grant participation: $25,000 or 75% of the approved budget, whichever amount is less.
11 – 14 points: Maximum Creative Saskatchewan grant participation: $40,000 or 75% of the approved budget, whichever amount is less.
Applications are scored and ranked. Based on the ranking, available funds are committed until exhausted.
In the event of a tie, the funds will be divided equally between the tied applications.