Effective April 26, 2023 our online Grant Management System (GMS) will be requiring two-factor authentication for users as an added later of protection.
You may already be familiar with this feature in other applications, but just in case, here’s a two-minute explainer video created by the Government of Canada:
Up until this point, users relied on a unique username/password to log into GMS. If all clients followed industry standards for usernames and passwords this would be fine, however too often passwords are shared or easily accessed. The world is seeing an increase in hacks, meaning important information could become vulnerable. When a human attacker logs in with a legitimate username and password combination, even the most advanced systems are unable to tell the difference between you and them. According to NordPass’s list of most popular passwords in 2022, ‘password’ is still the number one choice!
The answer to making sure it really is you, is two-factor authentication.
That’s why we’ve decided to take this extra step in protecting your grant application files.
Users can select the authentication to recognize their device, and therefore only need to ‘re-authenticate’ every 30 days.